

The Vuvuzela in the Room

Celebrating the World Cup does not mean we can’t ask hard questions . No, not that the annoying vuvuzelas are banned, but that thousands of informal traders will lose income because of Fifa-imposed “exclusion zones” around stadiums which permit only approved businesses, that street children are forcibly removed from Durban’s city centre, and in Cape […]

The Dadis Show

The most lasting legacy of Guinea's just deposed recent military leader, Captain Moussa Dadis Camara, was his media tactics.

Where is Angola?

A random terror attack on a football team gets media to pay attention to the conflict in Cabinda. In the process, they also expose their ignorance.

Who will get rich

The fantasy that local people - small businesspeople, informal traders, especially black people - will make money or get jobs during the 2010 World Cup.