

Slipping into individualistic comfort

The daily word of inspiration (cut and pasted from Contemporary Literature) from my favorite, comtemporary Communist, Jeremy Cronin: … At present I am inclined to make my poems much more actively disruptive within themselves, to foreground contradiction and paradox, to enact interruption, to celebrate the parenthetical, to make manifest the unresolved. In the first post-1994 […]

Fascism and Aesthetics

Jeremy Cronin is my favorite Communist. Astute, intellectual and a poet. Cronin is a former political prisoner and now ANC member of Parliament in South Africa. “Even the Dead” is still my favorite poem. I recently chanced upon a 2009 interview he did with the academic Andrew van der Vlies (featured on this blog here) […]

The oil complex

Video of a worthwhile lecture (recorded in February this year) by Berkeley geographer Michael Watts breaking down the workings of the oil industry.

Ali Bongo loves America

Gabon's unsavory Life President came to visit the US. Probably to discuss oil deals. He became collatoral damage in the US right's media war against Barack Obama. So less time to focus on Bongo. So a win for him then.

The Gay Judges in Kenya*

South Africa has an openly gay Judge serving on its highest court, The Constitutional Court. The Judge, Edwin Cameron, who has written a book about his sexual orientation also happens to be HIV positive and previously served for 8 years on the country’s High Court of Appeal. That’s an anomaly for court systems on a […]

An Ordinary Killing

Riveting piece of journalism in this weekend’s New York Times Magazine as well as an accompanying video piece (narrated by correspondent Barry Bearak) on the ordinary murder of a Zimbabwean migrant and widespread mob “justice” in Diepsloot, a squatter camp to the north of Johannesburg. The piece is generally good.  As one friend remarked: “To […]

Out of Africa

Vanity Fair’s June issue has a profile. of Hillary Clinton. It contains tons of information about her working relationship with President Barack Obama, how she made up with Samantha Power, the Obama ally and Harvard professor, who referred to Mrs Clinton as “a monster,” speculates on Clinton running for President in 2016 (she still wants […]

Perspective on 2011 SA Local Elections

If you’re tired of the nonsense published in The New York Times or on the BBC website about yesterday’s local elections in South Africa or can’t bear the spin that will come from ANC (this points to widespread approval of its current leadership) or Democratic Alliance spin doctors (tripling your vote from 2% to 6% […]

Some Men in South Africa

A 13-year-old South African girl is the latest victim of “corrective rape,” in which men rape lesbians to “cure” them of their sexual orientation in South Africa. As The Guardian reports 31 lesbians have been killed because of their sexuality in the past decade, and more than 10 lesbians a week are raped or gang […]

Letter from Tunis

Tunisia, which kickstarted the "Arab Spring," is in a long pause between longtime dictator Ben Ali’s flight and elections scheduled for July 2011.

The ANC Goes Pop

Political parties in South Africa have a new challenge during elections: commissioning a pop ditty people can dance to while political candidates make empty promises from stages.

Prince Amukamara of New York

It’s the socialist National Football League (of America’s) Draft in New York City this week and one of the two local teams, the New York Giants (they actually play in New Jersey), picked Prince Amukamara, a cornerback from Nebraska, who grew up in the suburbs of Glendale, Arizona. His name and family history (his grandfather was […]