

الاجئين يحتاجون الحرية لا المساعدات

كأحد الناشطين في مجال حقوق الاجئين وكمهاجر عايشت كل الظروف التي يمر بها الاجئين القادمين الي أوربا، تدور دوما في ذهني أسئلة عاصفة لا تهدا احاول هنا ان أشارككم إياها هل فعلا نجد في ألمانيا في ارض الواقع  تلك الشعارات التي يرددها الاعلام هذه الأيام وخاصة المستشارة الألمانية. إنجيلا ميركل حين صرحت ( لقد حققنا […]

Asking for a friend

The big questions that animated our friend this week: Facebook, thanks for the ‘Paris Safety Check.’ Can we have one for Baghdad, Beirut and Borno too? Why is a public execution with a sword worse than an indiscriminate drone attack? Why weren’t the recent suicide attacks in Baghdad and Beirut and Borno also an attack […]

South Africa, Post-Trauma

To what extent has South Africa and South Africans failed to address the aftermath of Apartheid, the resonances of which can be felt to this day? To what extent are we living in a post-traumatic space?

The Hooligans

A black coated Nylophor fence transverses the Union Building lawns the day #FeesMustFall marched to the Union Buildings in Pretoria. The fence creating a ceremonial space for protest below and, at the top, the Union Buildings edifice with a tall sculpture of former president Nelson Mandela with his arms wide open in cruel irony. The […]

Asking for a friend

This week’s 20 questions from our friend: Can Idris Elba’s acting save the Netflix movie ‘Beasts of No Nation’? Why do African national teams do so well in FIFA age group competitions (Nigeria and Mali play each other in the Under 17 World Cup Final today in Chile) but fail so spectacularly at senior level? (A […]