

Bangs: A Fine Mess

Bangs, the Australian rapper of Sudanese descent, who has made mediocrity into an art form, makes a mess of Christmas. (By the way, if you blink, you might not notice that’s him riffing off Slick Rick’s “Children’s Story”). Of course, the video will go viral.

Saving Darfur

More than a year later these lines–written by journalist Eamon Kircher-Allen as part of the reaction to Mahmood Mamdani’s “Saviors and Survivors,” a study of Darfur Now’s campaigns and the complex history of the Darfur conflict–is still worth repeating:

The Worse Rapper on The Internets?

That’s the only way to explain the “career” of  the really bad rapper, Bangs (Sudan-born, Australian-based), that includes doing TV commercials, being mocked as “The 11th Hottest Rapper in the Game,” getting interviewed by hip hop journalists, and having a distribution deal. Here‘s some background if you missed this mess.  And Bangs, who mimics 50 Cent […]

Darfur to Brooklyn

On Sunday “The New York Times” published a photo essay on the daily lives of the approximately 300 immigrants from the Darfur region of Sudan who live in Kensington, Brooklyn. The images are by Dave Sanders, “a photojournalist who lives in nearby Park Slope, has been documenting the community since the fall of 2008.”  (He […]

The Soap Bar

[youtube=] Sudanese went to the polls yesterday and will do so again today in two days of voting for a new president or in the case of a depressing scenario that the controversial incumbent, Omar Al-Bashir, gets another term. The latter scenario is more likely. However, one outstanding feature in this depressive scenario has been […]

Vote Sudan

[youtube=] Sudanese voters go to the polls from Sunday, 11 April through 13 April.  The election results seems a foregone conclusion. Omar Al-Bashir will probably win given his control of state media, opposition parties are boycotting the elections and one of the opponents with a decent chance of challenging Bashir, the Southern Sudanese Yasir Arman, […]