

The right to ‘eat’

Politics in many parts of Africa is often understood through a metaphor of eating – a point to which Jean-François Bayart drew our attention in his seminal 1989 publication, The State in Africa. In contrast to the social scientific discourse of corruption, the idiom of eating is more neutral and bespeaks necessity. While eating to […]

Mr. Zuckerberg goes to Africa

In late August and early September, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg visited Nigeria’s Silicon Lagoon and Kenya’s Silicon Savannah. Both visits were “surprises” for the locals and were also Zuckerberg’s first official trips to any African country. As noted in a recent survey, Kenya and Nigeria are two of the five countries that host 50 percent of […]

The Power of Prayer

The implications of the ICC dropping the cases against Kenya’s deputy president William Ruto and former journalist Joshua Arap Sang.