You think Beyoncé flew in Belgian choreographer Anne Teresa De Keersmaker and her dance company Rosas for the second part of her new video ‘Countdown’ (watch the video on her website – starting around 2:30)? We know she can. Ask Tofo Tofo. But she didn’t.

The Belgian choreographer was surprised when she first saw the video. In an interview with Belgian radio station Studio Brussel today she said: “I didn’t know anything about this. I’m not mad, but this is plagiarism. This is stealing. They took pieces from Achterland and Rosas danst Rosas. Including the dresses and a remake of the school of [architect Henry] Van de Velde [which served as the set for the original recording of Rosas danst Rosas by director Thierry De Mey]. It’s a bit rude, I must say. (…) What’s rude about it is that they don’t even bother about hiding it. They seem to think they could do it because it’s a famous work. (…) Am I honoured? Look, I’ve seen local school kids doing this. That’s a lot more beautiful.” That’s pop for you. The dance company said they’d contact Beyoncé’s lawyers.

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