Some rappers should just stay away from politics. Take T-Pain’s endorsement of “a conversative [Republican] victory [in] 2010.” (If you forgot, watch Jay Smooth break down T-Pain’s nonsense here.) Then there’s of course the Senegalese-American R&B singer, Akon, who imagines himself some kind of African political leader. (That’s Akon and Senegalese President Abdoulaye Wade, above, earlier this year in New York City announcing Wade’s vanity project, the World Festival of Black Arts, taking place now through the end of the month in Dakar.)

Remember when George W Bush was still in charge here and Akon opined to rap magazine, “The Source”: “… I really think that people in the States are spoiled. They can nag about the president all they want and how the system is against black people, but if they saw how other people lived [in Africa] they would see how blessed they really are. All the decisions they think the government has made against black people really are for black people here.”

Now he has gone and written a nonsensical ditty for the ‘No Label” movement–that’s the transparent attempt by New York City Mayor Mike Bloomberg to use his billions to make a Republican presidential run in 2012. The PR can’t help sounding stupid:

It only took one conversation with Lisa Borders, one of the founding leaders of No Labels, for Akon to immediately understand the meaning of this movement’s message. Never give up your label, just put it aside to do what’s best for America. With lyrics like “See a man with a blue tie, see a man with a red tie; so how about we tie ourselves together and get it done,” Akon shares his passion for politicians to put the labels aside so we can find practical solutions to our nation’s problems. Akon stayed up all night to create this song and now you can listen to it for free and share the song to help inspire others to put their labels aside.

Doug Henwood summed up best what the lyrics say: This is some serious crap.

Further Reading

The “wisdoms” of Akon

When the Senegalese-American singer Akon is not claiming to provide electricity around the continent, he gives interviews. The latest, to Larry King, is a train wreck because of Akon’s reactionary’s views. For those in the know, this is peak Akon.